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The Constitution of Sierra Leone (Amendment) Act, 2001
word "and", and
by the insertion immediately after paragraph (b) of the proviso thereto of the following paragraph:—
(c) "Where any proceedings have been lawfully commenced or taken for the purposes of the election and assumption
of office of a President, if in such proceedings, due to any exceptional circumstances, a date has been appointed
independently of paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 43 for the holding of the elections, such date shall be taken to be
included in any period required to enable the President to continue in office as if Parliament has granted an extension
of the presidential term of office under section 49(2) for a period of four months commencing from any date on
which the presidential term would have otherwise expired, but the foregoing shall be without prejudice to subsection
(3) of section 42."
PASSED in Parliament this 21st day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand and one.
Clerk of Parliament