NO. 18489
Act No. 73, 1997
(a) render support. including, but not limited to. financial support. advice and
information. to any person, organisation or institution;
(b) determine which field of the film and video industry should have preference
for the purpose of support thereofi
(c) investigate and determine the need for support of any person, organisation or
(d) conduct research into any field of the film and video industry;
(e) establish. compile and maintain databases. including, but not limited to.
databases of persons. organisations. institutions, equipment and facilities
connected with the film and video industry:
(f) make bursaries and loans available to students for local and overseas studies:
(g) liaise with a member of the executive council of each province designated by
the Premier of the Province, in order to promote the film and video industry
more effectively throughout the Republic and to ensure co-ordination in the
distribution of funds at national and provincial level;
(11) make funds available to the members contemplated in paragraph (g) for such
distribution as the Council ma)) determine;
(i) nationally and internationally facilitate and promote liaison between individuals and institutions:
(j) make grants and grant loans to an) person, organisation or institution in order
to provide facilities to support the development and promotion of the film and
video industq:
(k) co-operate with any person. organisation and institution;
(1) enter into agreements with any person. organisation or institution. upon such
conditions as may be agreed upon;
(m) purchase or otherwise acquire. or possess, hire. alienate, let, pledge or
otherwise encumber movable and. with the approval of the Minister. granted
with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, immovable property;
(H) with the approval of the Minister. granted with the concurrence of the Minister
of Finance. on such terms and against such security as may be agreed upon,
raise money by way of loans; and
(()) generally, do everything which is necessau to achieve its objects.
(2) The Foundation shall—
(a) at the request of the Minister advise the Minister on matters concerning the
film and video indust~:
(b) publish information on its objects and functions;
(c) perform such duties in respect of its objects as the Minister may assign to it;
(d) undertake or procure the undertaking of such investigations and research
concerning its objects as the Minister may assign to it;
(e) in conjunction with the Departments of Trade and Industry and of Education,
investigate the viability of establishing a national film school;
(f) promote the distribution and showing of local films and videos throughout the
Republic and the showing of local films and videos on television;
(g) liaise with the Independent Broadcasting Authority to encourage the use of
local content programmed on television: and
(11) approach the film and video industr} and other interested parties for financial
contributions to the Film and Video Initiative. referred to in section 18.
(3) The Foundation shall not itself establish. acquire or operate any organisation or
institution connected with the film and video industry, but may initiate projects which it
considers necessary in pursuit of its objects, provided that such projects are undertaken
in partnership with existing organisations or institutions which have the capacity to
undertake the projects.
Performance of functions outside Republic
5.( 1 ) The Foundation may, in order to achieve its objects. render such support as may
be prescribed to any person who is a South African citizen in any territory outside the 55
(2) This Act shall. as far as it can be applied with the necessary changes, apply in