• Right to development of personality
• Human dignity

PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:29

Article 52
Every person is entitled to obtain the satisfaction of the economical, social and
cultural rights indispensable to their dignity and to the free development of their
person, thanks [grâce] to the national effort and taking into account the resources of
the country.

Article 53
Every citizen has [a] right to the equal access to instruction, to education and to
The State has the duty to organize public education and to favor [its] access.
However, the right to establish private schools is guaranteed within the conditions
established by the law.
• Right to work
• Right to safe work environment

Article 54
The State recognizes to all citizens the right to work and makes the effort to create
the conditions that render the enjoyment of this right effective. It recognizes the
right that every person has to enjoy just and satisfactory conditions of work and
guarantees to the worker the just retribution for their services or for their

• Right to health care

Article 55
Every person has the right of access to health care.

Article 56
The State has the obligation to favor the development of the country, in particular
the rural development.
• Right to equal pay for work

Article 57
With equal competence, every person has the right, without any discrimination, to
an equal salary for an equal work.

• Reference to art
• Provisions for intellectual property
• Reference to science

Article 58
Each one has the right to the protection of moral and material interests deriving
from all scientific, literary or artistic production of which they are the author.

Article 59
Any foreigner who finds himself in the territory of the Republic enjoys the protection
granted to persons and to assets [biens] by virtue of this Constitution and of the law.
• Terrorism

A foreigner prosecuted for crime of genocide, crime against humanity, crime of war
or act[s] of terrorism may be extradited.

Article 60

Burundi 2005

Page 12

Select target paragraph3