Financial and miscellaneous provisions relating to the Authority
(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Mini ster may give the Board such general
directions relating to the po licy the Authority is to obser ve in the exerc ise of its
functions as the Minister considers to be necessary in the national interest.
(2) Before giving the Board a direction in terms of subsection (1), the Minister shall
inform the Board, in writing, of the direct ion and the Board shall, within 30 days o r
such further period as the Mi nister, may allow, submit to the Minister, in writing, its
views on the proposal.
(3) The Board shall take all necess ary steps to comply with any direction given to it
in terms of subsection (1).
(4) When any direction has been given to the Board in terms of subsection (1), the
Board shall ensure that the direction and any views the Board has expressed on it in
terms of subsection (2) are set out in the Authority's annual report.
[Section 4B inserted by Act 6/2003 with effect from the 19th September, 2003.]
Financial and miscellaneous provisions relating to the Authority
The Fourth Schedule shall govern the fina ncial and certain other aspects of the
operation of the Authority.
[Repealed by Act 6/2003 with effect from the 19th September, 2003.]
Broadcasting and signal carrier licences
(1) Subject to this Act, and the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Cor poration Act [Chapte r
12:01], no person shall provide a broadcasting service or operate as a signal carrier in
Zimbabwe except in accordance with a
broadcasting licence or a signal carrie r
licence, as the case may be
(2) A broadcasting licence shall authorise the licensee to provide any one of the
following classes of broadcasting service—
a commercial broadcasting service;
a community broadcasting service;
a subscription satellite broadcasting service;
a subscription cable broadcasting service;
a subscription narrowcasting service;
an open narrowcasting service;
a datacasting service;
a roadcasting service;
a railcasting service;
( j)
a webcasting service.
(3) A signal carrier licence shall authorise a licensee to operate a signal transmitting
station for the purpose of transmitting a radio or television broadcasting service.
(4) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and
liable to—
a fine not exceeding five million dollars or to imprisonment for a
period not exceeding two years, where the offence involves the unlicensed provision
of any broadcasting service referred to in paragraphs (a) to (f) of subsection (2); or
a fine not exceeding level 10 or to imprisonment for a period not
exceeding three months, where the offence involves the unlicensed provision of any
broadcasting service referred to in paragraphs (g) to (j) of subsection (2);
or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[substituted by Act 6/2003 with effect from the 19th September, 2003.]
(5) In addition to any punishment it may impose under subsection (4) and without
derogation from its powers under any enac tment, a court convicting a person o f
contravening subsection (1) shall declare forfeited to the State a ny equipment o r
apparatus used for the purpose of or in connection with the offence.
(6) The proviso to subsection (1) and subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) of section 62 of

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