
A ~ l f u r u Seeds

l992 No. 72

23.-(1) The Minister may by notitication in the Gazette designate any
laboratory as a ceatral seed testing laboratory (in this Decree referred, to as "m
seed hbomtory") for the purpose of carrying out the functions entrusted to a
seed Mxmtory by or under this Decree.

A 649

Central Seed

(2) A Seed Analyst shall at a seed laboratory carry out in the prescrim
rrrarwer an analysis of seeds of a notified kind of variety.

24. The Genetic Resources Unit or any other agency or body withi the
National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure so designated b the
Minister shall be responsible for the collection, maintenance and registration of
seeds or plants of land races and the varieties and accession from such collectors
shall be available to public and private agencies for research purposes.


Registration of seeds
or plant of laad races,

25.-(1) The Council may, by noti tication in the Gozetre, appoint such

Seed Inspector.

persons as it thinks fit, havipg the prescribed qualifications, to be S&
inspectors and define the areas within which they shall excercise jurisdiction.
26.41) A Seed Inspector may


(a) take samples of any seed of any notified kind or variety from


(i) any person selling such seed; or
(ii) any person who is in the course of conveying, delivering
or preparing to deliver such s d to e purchaser or a
consignee; or
(iii) a purchaser or a consignee arter delivery of such seed to

(b) send such sample for analysis to thk Seed Analyst for the area
within which such sample has k e n taken;

(C) enter and search at all reasonable times, with such assistance,,if
any, as he considers necessary, any place in which he has reason to
believe that an offence under this Decree has been or is being
committed and order in writing the parson in possesion of any seed in
respect of which the offence has been or is being conuniqed, not to
dispose of any stock of such seed for a specific period not exceeding
thirty days:

Powers of Seed

Select target paragraph3