1992 No. 72

National Agrfnrlturvrl See& Seeas~iecree

A 647


17.-(1) As from thecommencen~antof this Decree, no person shall sell,
a f f e r or expose.for sale, falsely-labelled, tagged or untagged d s ' o f a notitid
djnd, variety or hybrid..

Prohibition of
sale of falselylabelled seeds. etc.

(2) A person who offers agricultural seedsbf a notified kind o t variety
*or sale shall ensure that the label affixed to the. seed container accurately
.wtwribes the seeds contained therein.
(3) Except for. demonstration purposes, no person shall offer for sale
zegricultural seeds of a notified kind or variety in an open container.
(4) When the seed of a notitled kind or variety is offered for sale each
e ~ n t a i n e shall
.be marked or Irbelld in the manner hereinafter specified.

(5) The person whose name appears on the niark or label shall


(a) be responsible for the .accuracy of the information required to

appear on the mark or lab1 if the seed is contained in the unopened
original container;
(b) not be responsible for the accuracy of the statement appearing on
the mark or label o r for the accuracy of the germination statement
beyond the date of validity indicated on the mark or label if the
rcmved from the original unopened container
18.-(1) There shall be specified on every mark or label-

Contents of the
mark or label and
(a) the minimum limits of germination and purity of any seed kind or description of 4 s .
,(b) if the seed in the container has k e n tw~titecl(i) a statement indicating tlriit the seed has been treated;

(ii) the commonly accepted cheniic;tl ot. abbreviated chemical
(generic) name of the applied suhstwt:ce;
(c) the name and address of the person who offers for sale, or
otherwise supplies the txed and who is responsible for its quality;

(d),the name of the seed species, variety, lot number, class of s d s
.a3 net weight.

Select target paragraph3