Electronic Communications Act, 2008

ACT 775

(8) A person who intends to operate submarine cables within this
country to connect to a telecommunications network shall first obtain a
licence, in addition to any other licence, approvals, or permits required
under any other law.
(9) The Authority shall conduct public hearings in respect of
applications for licences under this section when the applications are made
in the first instance.
(10) The Authority may grant a class licence in place of an individual
licence if it considers that appropriate.
(11) A diplomatic mission in Ghana may be granted permission to
operate a radio communication system on application to the Authority
through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if
(a) the Government of the diplomatic mission concerned
provides reciprocal facilities to the Government of Ghana,
(b) the station is to
(i) be installed in accordance with this subsection, and
(ii) operate in accordance with the International
Telecommunications Union, and
(c) the power output of the transmitter is not higher than
necessary for transmitting to the state to which the diplomatic
mission belongs and is in any case not more than five
(12) Despite any other provision of this Act, the Authority may
require that a person operating a type of electronic communications
network or providing a type of electronic communication service for
which a licence is not required under this section must notify the
Authority within fourteen days of commencing operations.
Licence conditions
4. (1) A licence issued under this Act may be subject to conditions
that the Authority considers necessary in line with the objectives of the
(2) Without limiting the power conferred on the Authority under
this Act or the National Communications Authority Act, 2008 (Act 769),
each individual licence or class licence shall contain conditions that


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