Electronic Communications Act, 2008

ACT 775

Regulations or the terms and conditions of its licence or
frequency authorisation,
(b) the licensee or the authorisation holder has failed to comply
materially with a lawful direction of the Authority,
(c) the licensee or the authorisation holder is in default of
payment of a fee or other money charged or imposed in
furtherance of this Act, the National Communications
Authority Act, 2008 (Act 769) or Regulations.
(d) the licensee ceases to
(i) operate the public communications network,
(ii) provide the public electronic communications
service, or
(iii) use the frequency band,
(e) the suspension or revocation is necessary because of national
security or is in the public interest, or
(f) imposition of a fine under the Act will not be sufficient under
the circumstances.
(2) The Authority shall, before exercising the power of suspension or revocation under this section, give the licensee or the authorisation
holder thirty days notice in writing of its intention to do so and specify
in the notice the grounds on which it proposes to suspend or revoke the
licence or the frequency authorisation.
(3) Where the Authority decides to suspend or revoke a licence or
authorisation, the Authority shall give the licensee or authorisation holder
the opportunity
(a) to present its views"
(b) to remedy the breach which has occasioned the decision to
suspend or revoke the licence, and
(c) to submit to the Authority within the time specified by the
Authority a written statement of objections to the suspension
or revocation of the licence or the frequency authorisation.
(4) The suspension or revocation of a licence or a frequency
authorisation shall take effect on the date specified by the Authority in
the notice under subsection (2).
(5) Until the Authority suspends or revokes a licence or
authorisation, the licensee or the authorisation holder shall continue to
operate and if the period of the licence or the frequency authorisation
comes to an end before the decision by the Authority, an interim renewal
of the licence or the frequency authorisation shall be granted on the same

Select target paragraph3