Electronic Communications Act, 2008

ACT 775

(r) the provision by the licensee of directory information and
directory inquiry services;
(s) the regulation of prices and the quality of the services
provided by the licensee;
(t) the technical standards to be met by the licensee's
telecommunications network or service;
(u) the allocation to and use by the licensee of numbers;
(v) the transfer and the renewal of the licence and change of
ownership in the shareholding of the licensee;
(w) prescriptions regarding national defence and public security;
(x) restriction on some of or all the conditions and modification
of the duration of the licence.
Obligations with respect to individual licences
5. (1) A network operator or service provider shall
(a) pay the fees specified by the Authority,
(b) not assign the licence without the prior written approval of
the Authority,
(c) upon written request made by the President and subject to
the Constitution, co-operate or collaborate with the President
in matters of national security, and
(d) observe the conditions of its licence and regulations that
relate to the licence.
(2) A person who has a significant interest in a network operator or
service provider shall not sell, transfer, charge or otherwise dispose of
that interest or any part of that interest in the network operator or service
provider, unless notice is given to the Authority thirty days before the
proposed transaction. .
(3) A network operator or service provider shall not without first
giving notice to the Authority
(a) cause, permit or acquiesce in a sale, transfer, change or other
disposition of a significant interest,
(b) issue or allot any shares or cause, permit or acquiesce in any
other reorganisation of that network operator's or service
provider's share capital that results in
(i) a person acquiring a significant interest in that
network operator or service provider, or
(ii) a person who already owns or holds a significant
interest in the network operator or service provider,

Select target paragraph3