The procedure applicable to the withdrawal of the ex officio license shall be that
followed at the time of its issue.
Chapter V
27. The appeals made against the decisions of the legal representative of the body
responsible for industrial property regarding the deposit or refusal of the layout-designs of
integrated circuits shall be lodged with the competent court.
28. The period for the appeal lodged with the competent courts against the decisions
cited in Article 27 of this Law shall be one month from the date of notification of the disputed
29. The appeal shall be lodged by means of a written request submitted to the court
Subject to non-admissibility declared ex officio, the request shall contain the following
— if the requestor is a natural person: his first name, surname, profession, domicile,
nationality, date and place of birth;
— if the requestor is a legal person: his form, name, registered office, and the first
name and surname of his legal representative;
— the date and subject of the decision challenged;
— the first name, surname and address of the owner of the layout-designs of the
integrated circuits.
A copy of the decision challenged shall be attached to the request.
If the request does not contain a statement of the means relied on, the requestor shall,
subject to non-admissibility, submit this statement to the court registry at least seven days
before the first court hearing.
30. A copy of the request shall be notified to the body responsible for industrial
property through a bailiff-lawyer by the requestor.
The body responsible for industrial property shall forward to the court registry the file
of the decision challenged, within one month, starting from the date of notification of the copy
of the request through a bailiff-lawyer.
31. Where the appeal is lodged by a person other than the owner of the deposit of a
layout-design of integrated circuits, the owner shall be joined to the proceedings by the
32. The requestor may be represented in court by an agent.
33. The court judgement shall be notified to the other parties by the most diligent party.

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