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defendant furnishing security as above required, together with security for the costs of the attachment or upon an
order for a nonsuit or striking out the cause or matter.
7. (1) The application for attachment may be made to the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja,
where the defendant or in case of urgency, where the property proposed to be attached is situate in the Federal
Capital Territory, Abuja and the Court may make such order as shall seem just.
(2) In case an order for the attachment of property is issued by a different Court from that in which the suit is
pending, that Court shall, on the request of either of the parties, transmit the application and evidence therein to
the Court in which the suit is so pending, retaining the property in the meantime under attachment or taking
sufficient security for its value and the Court in which the suit is pending shall thereupon inquire into and
proceed with the application in accordance with the foregoing provisions, in such manner as seems just.
Order 17
Detention of Ships and Reparation for Needless Arrests, Etc.
1. Where the circumstances of a case appear to the Court so to require, it shall be lawful for the Court on the
application of any plaintiff, by warrant under the seal of the Court, to stop the clearance or to order the arrest and
detention by the sheriff of any ship about to leave the jurisdiction (other than a ship enjoying immunity from
civil process), and the clearance shall be stopped, or the ship arrested and detained accordingly:
Provided that no such warrant shall be issued at the instance of any plaintiff unless the application is supported
by an affidavit of the facts.
2. The Court may at any time release a ship detained under this Order upon such terms as it thinks reasonable.

3. The Court upon making any order to hold to bail, or of sale, injunction or attachment, or any warrant to stop
the clearance of or to arrest any ship as aforesaid, may impose such terms and conditions as the Court thinks just
and in particular it may require the person applying for any such order to provide adequate security for his being
answerable in any damages that may accrue through the order or warrant.
4. In any case in which an order as aforesaid is made if(a) it afterwards appears to the Court that the arrest of any defendant, or any order of attachment, sale, or
injunction, or any warrant to stop the clearance of or to arrest any ship, was applied for on insufficient grounds;
(b) the suit in which the application was made is dismissed or judgment is given against the plaintiff by default
or otherwise and it appears to the Court that there was no reasonable ground for instituting the suit,
the Court may (on the application of the defendant made at any time before the expiration of six months from
termination of the suit), award against the plaintiff, such amount as it may think reasonable as compensation to
the defendant for any loss, injury, or expenses which he may have sustained by reason of the arrest, attachment,
order of sale or injunction, as aforesaid.
5. The provisions of this Order shall not take away any right of action or other right which would otherwise have
existed, but no action shall be commenced or continued in respect of the same cause on which the Court has
made an award of compensation under rule 4 of this Order.
Order 18
Accounts and Inquiries
1. (1) Where a writ is endorsed with a claim for an account or a claim which necessarily involves taking an
account, the plaintiff may, at any time after the defendant has entered an appearance or after the time limited for
appearing, apply for an order for an account under this rule.

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