Article 6:


all conditional access television channels shall be
accessible through a single Set-Top-Box and integrated
digital television using mechanisms such as, smart cards,
passwords or keys or any other mechanisms compatible
with the single receiver system;


Provide capability to interface with any Content Service

Functions of the Signal Distributor

a) The Signal Distributor shall carry out the following primary functions;

Establish, operate and maintain a Digital Terrestrial Television
broadcasting network including but not limited to the Head End,
the Transmission network and the Transmitters;


Provide and manage connectivity to broadcasting studios of the
authorized Content Service Providers;


Provide and manage delivery of multimedia service to the
consumers conditions of which service delivery shall be
determined by a Service Level Agreement Comply with adopted
Quality of Services standards.


Make an agreement with Must Carry programs owners.


Comply with any other regulatory requirement.

b) The licensee can provide data services as value added service to the
Digital Television Broadcasting provided that it does not exceed 15% of
the capacity allocated to a broadcaster in each multiplex.
c) The Licensee shall combine the function of multiplex operator, service
provider and service distributor.
d) The License shall be allowed to unbundle the chain and outsource the
function of a Service provider and Service Distributor to enhance the
efficiency of its activities provided that the licensee shall remain the
sole responsible of the fulfillment of the license obligations.
Article 7:

Special Criteria for the Issuance of License and Duration

A license shall be granted for a maximum of 15 years depending on category
and service type provided that:
i. The applicant has sufficient economic resources to meet the
network operator obligations;
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