b) by the Licensee’s auditors for the purpose of auditing the Licensee’s
c) by the Licensee’s attorney(s) in connection with any potential threat or
actual litigation between the Licensee and the customer concerned;
d) by the Regulatory Authority for the purpose of performing its
functions in terms of the laws;
e) In consultation with the Regulatory Authority whereby the statistical
or research work is conducted for the purpose of the development of
the sector;
f) by an order of the court in respect of legal proceedings between the
customer and another party pending in court.
Article 12: Frequency Assignment
a) The Regulator shall assign the spectrum rights to the Signal
Distributor according to the requirement and availability of the
frequency. It is the responsibility of the Signal Distributor to decide
the allocation of the available capacity to the various Content Service
Providers without discrimination.
b) The validity of the radio frequency license is dependent upon the
validity of the parent license granted to the licensed operator, that is,
holder of a license. The validity of frequencies used by the Signal
Distributor is dependent upon their signal distribution license.
Article 13: Cancellation of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licenses
Notwithstanding any other provisions relating to cancellation of licenses, the
Regulatory Authority may, in full or in part, cancel a radio license;
a) if the radio license holder, despite ordered corrective measures,
seriously and repeatedly violates a license conditions essential for
non-interference in radio communications, or fails to meet the
liability to pay for a radio license or frequency reservation;
b) If the radio license holder, deliberately or through carelessness,
transmits a false distress signal or disturbs or harms safety radio
communication in some other way;
c) If a radio transmitter uses radio frequencies in an inappropriate
way due to its technical characteristics and the license holder has
been advised to correct up the technical failure but he fails to
rectify the error;
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