
2003 No. 19

A 303

Republic of Nigeria and carrying out ancillary functions at international and
regional spectrum allocation bodies including but not limited to International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) ;
(b) assist and advise the Minister on the preparation and negotiation of
bilateral and multi-lateral spectrum allocation treaties with other sovereign
administrations ;
(c) assist and advise the Minister on the preparation, negotiation and adoption
of spectrum coordination agreements that are applicable to cross-border
spectrum uses involving the Federal Republic of Nigeria and other countries ;
(d) in consultation and conjunction with the Commission, prepare, update and
publish on a regular basis a national frequency allocation table and establish a data
bank that would assist and facilitate the management of the national spectrum ;
(e) carry out bulk trans-sectoral allocation of spectrum to statutory bodies
that are authorised by enabling laws to allocate spectrum to end-users ; and
(f) receive and collate returns and statistics on spectrum allocation to endusers from the statutory bodies specified in paragraph (e) of this section and
coordinate their respective activities.
29.—(1) The Minister shall ensure that the Council meets at least four times
in every calendar year to transact its businesses.

Meetings and

(2) The Council may make standing orders for the regulation of its meetings
and proceedings and may establish standing or ad-hoc committees to assist it in
exercising its functions under this Act.
(3) Membership of the Council Committees may be constituted beyond the
members of the Council to include persons and representatives of organisations
that are capable in the Council’s estimation of assisting the Council in the discharge
of its functions provided that such Council Committees shall at all times be headed
by the Council Members.
(4) Decisions of the Council Committees shall not be effective binding and
valid until they are adopted and agreed upon by the NFM Council.
30.—(1) The Council shall be funded from—
(a) subventions and budgetary allocations from the Federal Government ; and

Funding and
staffing of the

(b) grants-in-aid from national, bilateral and multi-lateral agencies.
(2) The Council Secretariat shall be serviced by officials of the Ministry.
31.—(1) No person shall operate a communications system or facility nor
provide a communications service in Nigeria unless authorised to do so under a
communications licence or exempted under regulations made by the Commission
under this Act.

for licences ;
and offence.

Select target paragraph3