Collection of Laws for Electronic Access
(b) refrain from making any alterations without the written authorization of the
copyright holder;
(c) ensure that each copy bears the name, pseudonym or mark of the copyright holder
unless otherwise agreed upon;
(d) publish within a deadline consistent with the practice of the trade, unless there is a
special agreement;
(e) ensure permanent and steady exploitation, as well as commercial distribution in
accordance with the practice of the trade;
(f) return the object to be published to the copyright holder after printing.
44.—(1) The publisher shall be equally bound to provide the copyright holder with all
evidence as to the exactness of his accounts.
(2) Where the contract makes no provision for special terms and conditions, the
copyright holder may, at least once a year, require the publisher to produce a statement
indicating the number of copies manufactured in the course of the financial year and
specifying the date and circulation, as well as the number of copies in stock.
(3) Unless otherwise agreed upon or contrary to practice, the statement referred to in
subsection (2) above shall indicate the number of copies sold by the publisher, the number of
copies which have become unusable or damaged through chance or unforeseeable
circumstances as well as the amount of royalties owed or paid to the copyright holder.
45.—(1) When the business, in case of receivership or liquidation of assets, is managed
by a receiver or liquidator, the latter shall be bound by all the obligations of the publisher.
Otherwise, where no transfer of the business was made within a period of one year as from
the date of publication of the bankruptcy judgment, the publishing contract may be terminated
at the request of the copyright holder.
(2) Where the business is sold, the buyer shall be bound by the obligations of the
(3) The receiver or liquidator may not clear or realize the manufactured copies before
the lapse of fifteen days at least as from the date he notified the copyright holder of his
intention through registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt. The author shall possess
a right of pre-emption on all or part of the copies. Failing any agreement, the redemption
price shall be fixed by an expert.
46.—(1) The publisher may not, for free or against payment, or as contribution to
capital, and independently of his business, transfer the benefit of the publishing contract to a
third party without obtaining prior authorization from the copyright holder.
(2) In case of transfer of business that may seriously jeopardize the material and moral
interests of the copyright owner, he shall have the right to obtain compensation, even by way
of termination of the contract.
Copyright, Law, 19/12/2000, No. 2000/011
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