of the order by the Commission; and
(b) be subject to the terms and conditions of the approved reference
interconnection or reference access offer approved by the Commission, subject to
any amendments considered appropriate by the Commission, within three months
after the issuance of the order by the Commission.
(2) Prior to approving any reference interconnection or reference access offer or
any amendments thereto, the Commission may—
(a) request for additional information or clarification from the dominant
telecommunications service licensee with regard to the proposed reference
interconnection or reference access offer; or
(b) consult with the industry and public on the proposed reference interconnection
or reference access offer.
(3) The Commission may publish guidelines or models for the uniform sector-wide
application of reference interconnection or reference access offers, which shall be
used by all dominant telecommunications service licensees.
(4) The reference interconnection offers shall be sufficiently unbundled to ensure
that the interconnecting operators do not pay for network elements or facilities
which are not necessary and shall contain a description of the components of the
offer, associated terms and conditions, including the structure and level of prices.
(5) The reference access offers shall be sufficiently unbundled to ensure that the
access seekers do not pay for network elements or facilities which are not
necessary and shall contain a description of the components of the offer, associated
terms and conditions, including the structure and level of prices.
(6) Where applicable, the reference access offers shall, where applicable, include
detailed information related to access to—
(a) network elements and associated facilities, which may involve the connection
of equipment, by fixed or non-fixed means;
(b) physical infrastructure including buildings, ducts and masts;
(c) relevant software systems including operational support systems, access to