
Stamper or other metal parts (or parts made of other materials);
Laser Beam Recorder;
Signal processing system for Laser Beam Recorder;
Equipment for spin coating glass masters with a photo resistant layer;
Electroforming equipment that make stampers;
Integrated optical disc replication lines;
Injection moulding machinery for the manufacture of optical discs;
Moulds, and components thereof, for the manufacture of optical discs;
Metalisers for applying reflective layers to optical discs;
Equipment for spin coating optical discs with lacquer coating;
DVD upgrade kits

“mastering equipment” means any machine, equipment or device used for the mastering
of optical discs or production parts consisting of a signal processor and laser beam
recorder or any other recorder, used to record data onto the glass or polymer master disc
from which production parts are produced, or to record data directly onto a production
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Justice.
“optical disc” means any medium or device, other than a production part, on which data
in digital form, readable by means of an optical scanning mechanism employing a highdensity light source such as a laser, has been stored or is capable of being stored, and
includes but is not limited to:
CD (compact disc);

CD-DA(compact disc digital audio);

CD-I (compact disc interactive);

CD-P (compact disc photo);

CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory;

CD-R (compact disc recordable);

CD-RW (compact disc rewritable);

CD-WO (compact disc write once);

DVD (digital versatile disc);

DVD-RAM (digital versatile disc random access memory);

DVD-ROM (digital versatile disc read-only memory);

LD (laserdisc); MD (minidisc); VCD (video compact disc);

CVD (China video disc);

SVCD (super video compact disc);

SACD (Super audio compact disc).

“persons” include human beings, partnership and corporate persons.

“production license” means a licence required under these Regulations.

“production part” includes: 

(a)	 Any other device, usually referred to as a “master”, “father” or “mother”,
embodying data from which a stamper may be produced by means of an
electroplating process.
(b)	 The component of a mould usually referred to as a “stamper” that embodies data in a
digital form and is capable of being used to mould optical discs,
“Professional organization” means an organisation whose membership consists


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