Supplement to Qfficial Gazette
[21st April 20 14]
2. (1) The provisions of this Act shall apply to works,
perfonnances, phonograms and broadcasts created before or
after the commencement of this Act, provided that the period
of protection had not expired under the laws of Seychelles or
the laws of the country of origin of such works, performances,
phonograms or broadcasts that are to be protected under an
international treaty to which the Republic of Seychelles is a
(2) The provisions of thisAct shall not affect contracts
on works, performances, phonograms and broadcasts
concluded before the commencement ofthisAct.
In thisAct, unless the context othenvise requires,"audio-visual work" means a work that consists of
a series of related images which impart the
impression of motion, with or without
accompanying solmds, susceptible of being made
visible, and where accompanied by sounds,
susceptible of being made audible;
"author" means the natural person who has created
the work;
"broadcasting" means the col11111unication of a
work, a performance or a phonogram to the public
by wireless transmission, including transmission
by satellite;
"circumvent technological protection measmes"
means to avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or
impair these measures, including descrambling a
scrambled work or object of related right or
decrypting an encrypted work or object of related
"communication to the public" means the
transmission by wire or by wireless means of a