[21stApril 2014]

Supplement to Official Gazette


(i) 	 the library or archive is satisfied that
the copy will be used solely for the
purposes of study, scholarship or
private research;
(ii) 	 the reproduction of any particular work
is an isolated act occurring, if repeated,
on separate and unrelated occasions; and
(iii) 	 there is no collective license available
offered by a collective copyright
management organisation lmder which
such copies can be made; or for part of a
work that is to say one volwne of work;

where the copy is made in order to preserve
and, if necessmy, replace a copy, or to replace
a copy which has been lost, destroyed, or
rendered unusable in the permanent
collection of another similar librmy or
archive, provided that it is impossible to
obtain such a copy under reasonable
conditions, and the reproduction of such
particular work is an isolated act occuning, if
repeated, on separate and unrelated

The following acts shall be permitted in respect of a
work without the authorisation of the author or other owner of
copyright, subject to the obligation to indicate the source and
the name of the author as far as practicable-


the reproduction in a newspaper or
periodical, the broadcasting or other
communication to the public, of an article
published in a newspaper or periodical on
current economic, political or religious
topics or a broadcast work of the same
character; this pem1ission shall not apply
where the right to authorize reproduction,

broadcasting and
to public for
in fonnatory

Select target paragraph3