Federal Negarit Gazeta
13th Year No. 13 ADDIS ABABA-27th February, 2006
Page 3371
seize genetic resource being transported out of the country and
the person transporting same without permit from the Institute and
immediately report same to the nearby relevant body and the
ensure that a statement is written on the package of a biological
resource product to be exported indicating that the use of the
genetic material contained in the product is prohibited and doing
so would constitute a penal offence.
Responsibilities of Mail Service Institutions
Postal and other courier service institutions shall, before receiving
and transporting genetic resources out of the country as mail,
require their clients to produce permit from the Institute to export
the genetic resources out of the country.
Responsibilities of Quarantine Control Institutions
Quarantine control Institution shall, ensure that the quarantine
certificate they issue to biological resource products, contain a
statement indicating that the certificate does not constitute a permit
to use the product as genetic resource and that doing so is
prohibited and would constitute an offence.
33. Transitory Provisions
1/ Access agreements made prior to the coming into force of this
Proclamation shall be revised and harmonized with the provisions
of this Proclamation.
2/ The access to genetic resources under agreements concluded
prior to the coming into force of this Proclamation shall be
suspended until they are revised and harmonized with the
provisions of this Proclamation.