- the Constitutional Council, with its present representation, assumes the prerogatives
bestowed upon it by the present Constitution up to the time of setting up institutions
represented in its midst. Any modification or addition should be subject to article 164
(paragraph 3) of the present Constitution, resorting, if necessary, to drawing lots;
- the elected People’s National Assembly will assume full legislative power until the
Council of Nation is set up ; However the President of the republic may delay the
promulgation of the laws adopted by the deputies until their adoption by the Council of
Art. 181 - The renewal of half (1/2) the members of the Council of Nation during the first
mandate is carried out at the end of the third year by drawing lots. Members of the
Council of Nation are replaced by drawing lots in the same conditions and following the
same procedure of their election or appointment.
However, drawing lots does not concern the President of the Council of Nation who
assumes the first mandate of six (06) years.
Art. 182 - The President of the Republic promulgates the constitutional revision text
approved by the people and which will be carried out as the fundamental law of the

Select target paragraph3