Art. 137 - If the motion of censure is adopted by the People’s National Assembly, the
Head of Government submits the resignation of his Government to the President of the
CHAPTER III : The judicial power
Art. 138 - The judicial power is independent. It is exercised within the framework of the
Art. 139 - The judicial power protects the society and the liberties. It guarantees, to all
and to everyone, the safeguard of their fundamental rights.
Art. 140 - Justice is founded on the principles of lawfulness and equality.
It is the same for all, accessible for all and is expressed by the respect of the law.
Art. 141 - Justice is dispensed on behalf of the people.
Art. 142 - Punishments should comply with the principles of lawfulness and
Art. 143 - Justice deals with appeals against and administrative authorities decisions.
Art. 144 - Justice decisions are justified and pronounced in public hearing.
Art. 145 - All the qualified State bodies should ensure, at any time, in any place and in
any circumstances, the execution of justice decisions.
Art. 146 - Justice is pronounced by magistrates. They can be assisted by People’s
assessors in accordance with the conditions defined by the law.
Art. 147 - The judge obeys to the law only.
Art. 148 - The judge is protected against any form of pressure, interventions or
manœuvres which prejudice his mission or the respect of his free will.
Art. 149 - The magistrate is answerable before the High Council of Magistracy and
within the forms prescribed by the law on the way he accomplishes his task.
Art. 150 - The law protects the justiciable against any abuse or deviation of the judge.
Art. 151 - The right for defence is recognized.
In penal matters, it is guaranteed.

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