receive and pay for the service from a licensee through a subscriber service
“subscriber service agreement” means an agreement entered into by a licensee and
subscriber for the provision of the licensed services to the subscriber;
“vendor” means a person who carries out the business of selling, reselling or
distributing ICT terminal equipment used for the provision of licensed services.
3. Rights and obligations of customers.
(1) A customer shall have the right to—
(a) receive clear and complete information about rates, terms and conditions for
available and proposed products and services;
(b) be charged only for the products and services they subscribe to;
(c) where possible, select a service provider and service of the customer’s choice;
(d) personal privacy and protection against unauthorized use of personal
(e) accurate and understandable bills for products and services authorised by the
customer, and to fair prompt redress in the event of a dispute in the provision of the
products and services;
(f) protection from unfair trade practices, including false and misleading
advertising and anti-competitive behaviour by licensees; and
(g) equal opportunity for access to the same type and quality of service as other
customers in the same area at substantially the same tariff limiting variations to
available or appropriate technologies required to serve specific customers.
(2) A consumer shall—
(a) use communications systems and services in the appropriate manner, without
abusing them;
(b) familiarize with and honour their obligations under any contract entered into
with a product supplier or service provider;

Select target paragraph3