
Crimes against Liberty and Reputation of Persons
Whosoever intentionally:



intimidates or threatens another person or his families with serious danger
or injury by disseminating any writing, video, audio or any other image
through a computer systems shall be punishable, with simple
imprisonment not exceeding three years or in a serious cases with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years.


causes fear, threat or psychological strain on another person by sending or
by repeatedly transmitting information about the victim or his families
through computer system or by keeping the victim’s computer
communication under surveillance shall be punishable with simple
imprisonment not exceeding five years or in serious case with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding 10 years.


disseminates any writing, video, audio or any other image through a
computer system that is defamatory to the honor or reputation of another
person shall be punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding three years or fine or both.

Crimes against Public Security
Without prejudice to the provisions Article 257 of the Criminal Code of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Whosoever intentionally disseminates
through a computer system any written, video, audio or any other picture that
incites fear, violence, chaos or conflict among people shall be punishable with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three years.


Dissemination of Spam

Whosoever, with intent to advertise or sell any product or service,
disseminates messages to multiple e-mail addresses at a time shall be
punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three years and fine
or, in serious case, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years
and fine not exceeding Birr 50,000.


Notwithstanding the provision of sub-article (1) of this Article,
dissemination of commercial advertisement through email account shall
not be punishable provided that:

there is prior consent from the recipient;


the primary purpose of the advertisement is to introduce customers
with new products or services and the customers have willing; or


the advertisement contains valid identity and address of the sender,
and valid and simple way for the recipient to reject or unsubscribe
receipt of further advertisement from the same source.

Select target paragraph3