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The sittings of the Chambers of the Parliament are public. However they may be held
in closed [session] in case of need.
Article 90
Except [in the] case of force majeure declared by the Constitutional Council, the
deliberations of each Chamber of the Parliament are valid only if they have taken
place at its seat.
The deliberations of the Congress may be made in any other place regularly
determined by joint decision of the President of the National Assembly and of the
President of the Senate.
• Leader of first chamber
• Standing committees
• Leader of second chamber
Article 91
The President of the Senate and the President of the National Assembly are elected
for the duration of the legislature by the absolute majority in the first round, or by
the simple majority at the second round.
The members of the Bureau are elected for one year, renewable.
However, their functions can be terminated during the course of the legislature at
the demand of two-fifths[,] and after a vote of the absolute majority[,] of the
members of the Assembly.
By absolute majority [it] is understood [to mean] more than half of the votes.
Article 92
In case of vacancy of the presidency of a Chamber of the Parliament by death,
resignation or for any other cause, the said Chamber elects a new President within
the conditions defined in Article 91.
Article 93
Each Chamber of the Parliament enjoys financial autonomy. Each President manages
the credits which are allotted to him for the functioning of the Chamber.
The President is responsible for this management before the Chamber; it can dismiss
him by the absolute majority for incompetence in his management.
• Replacement of legislators
Article 94
Every elected member of the Parliament appointed to high functions is replaced by a
substitute. The list of the high functions is determined by the law.
If he ceases to exercise his functions at the latest before the end of the [first] half of
the legislature, he can retake his seat; beyond this date, he may only retake it in case
of vacancy of the seat by the death or resignation of the substitute.
• Immunity of legislators
Article 95
No member of the Parliament may be prosecuted, investigated, arrested, detained or
judged for reason of the opinions or votes emitted by him during the exercise or on
the occasion of the exercise of his functions.
Burkina Faso 1991 (rev. 2012)
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