
1. safeguarding individual freedom and security;

2. the rules governing public freedoms;

3. labour legislation, trade union legislation, rules governing social security and insurance;

4. the duties and obligations of the citizen in respect of national defence requirement&.

(b) The status of persons and property ownership system:

1. nationality, status of persons, matrimonial system, succession and gifts;

2. rules governing civil and commercial obligations;

3. movable and immovable property ownership system.

(c) The political, administrative and judicial organization:

1. rules governing election of the President of the Republic and elections into the National Assembly,
the Senate, Regional and Local Bodies and referendum operations;

2. rules governing associations and political parties;

3. the organization, functioning, powers and resources of regional and local authorities;

4. general rules governing the organization of national defence; (19 of 71)4/12/2005 10:53:07 AM

Select target paragraph3