Registrar and on all the parties mentioned in the advertisement required by
regulation 23 or, where there has been no such advertisement, then on such
persons as the Tribunal may direct.

	 reliminary questions

A licensing body named in a reference under section 31 or 32 by an
organisation claiming to be representative of persons requiring
licences may object to the reference on the grounds that the
organisation is not reasonably representative of the class of persons it
claims to represent.


A licensing body, organisation or person at whose instance a
reference under section 31 or 32 or an application under section 33 is
made, or a licensing body named in any such reference or application,
may object to any application by an organisation or person to be made
a party to the proceedings on the grounds that such organisation or
person has no substantial interest in the matter in dispute.


An objection under subregulation (1) or (2) shall be made by serving
on the Registrar a notice substantially in accordance with Form 6 or
Form 7, as the case may be, within 30 days of service of notice of the
reference or application which is the subject of the objection.


A copy of the notice required by subregulation (3) shall at the same
time be served(a) 	

in the case of an objection to a reference, on the organisation
at whose instance the reference is made;


in the case of an objection to an application to be made a party
to a reference or to an application under section 33, on the
organisation or person applying to be made a party and on any
licensing body, organisation or person other than the objector
entitled to give notice of objection under subregulation (2).


Before determining whether the organisation is reasonably
representative of the class of person it claims to represent or, as the
case may be, whether the organisation or person applying to be made
a party to the proceedings has a substantial interest in the matter in
dispute, the Tribunal shall give such organisation or person an
opportunity of commenting in writing on any objection of which notice
has been given under subregulation (3), and may, if it. thinks fit, give
such organisation or person as aforesaid, the objector and any
licensing body or person concerned an opportunity of being heard on
the objection.


If no notice of objection is given under subregulation (3), the Tribunal
shall as soon as may be practicable consider whether the organisation
at whose instance the reference is made is reasonably representative
of the class of person it claims to represent or, as the case may be,
whether the organisation or person applying to be made a part to the
proceedings has a substantial interest in the matter in dispute and
ought reasonably to be made a party: Provided that the Tribunal shall
not reach an adverse decision without giving the organisation or

Select target paragraph3