(c) by the insertion after the definition of ‘‘Authority’’ of the following
‘‘ ‘broad-based black economic empowerment’ has the meaning
assigned to it in the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act,
2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003);
‘broadband’ means an always available, multimedia capable connection with a minimum download speed as determined by the Minister by
notice in the Gazette;’’;
(d) by the substitution for the definition of ‘‘broadcasting service radio frequency
bands’’ of the following definition:
‘‘ ‘broadcasting service radio frequency bands’ means that part of the
electromagnetic radio frequency spectrum which is allocated for the use
of broadcasting services by the Authority, taking into account the ITU
table of [allotment] allocation, in so far as such allocation has been
agreed to or approved by the Republic;’’;
(e) by the insertion after the definition of ‘‘carrier pre-selection’’ of the following
‘‘ ‘CEO’ means the chief executive officer of the Agency appointed in
terms of section 82A;’’;
(f) by the substitution for the definition of ‘‘common carrier’’ of the following
‘‘ ‘common carrier’ means [a] Sentech Limited, a state owned company
established in terms of the Sentech Act, 1996 (Act No. 63 of 1996), and
any other person licensed to provide an electronic communications
network service who is obliged to provide signal distribution for
broadcasting services on a non-discriminatory and non-exclusive
(g) by the substitution for the definition of ‘‘electronic communications facility’’
of the following definition:
‘‘ ‘electronic communications facility’ includes but is not limited to
(a) wire, including wiring in multi-tenant buildings;
(b) cable (including undersea and land-based fibre optic cables);
(c) antenna;
(d) mast;
(e) satellite transponder;
(f) circuit;
(g) cable landing station;
(h) international gateway;
(i) earth station; [and]
(j) radio apparatus;
(k) exchange buildings;
(l) data centres; and
(m) carrier neutral hotels,
or other thing, which can be used for, or in connection with, electronic
communications, including, where applicable—
(i) collocation space;
(ii) monitoring equipment;
(iii) space on or within poles, ducts, cable trays, manholes, hand holds
and conduits; and
(iv) associated support systems, sub-systems and services, ancillary
to such electronic communications facilities or otherwise necessary for controlling connectivity of the various electronic
communications facilities for proper functionality, control, integration and utilisation of such electronic communications facilities;’’;
(h) by the substitution for the definition of ‘‘electronic communications service
licensee’’ of the following definition:
‘‘ ‘electronic communications service licensee’ means a person whom
an electronic communications services licence has been granted in terms
of section 5(2) or 5(4);’’;
(i) by the substitution for the definition of ‘‘end-user’’ of the following definition:
‘‘ ‘end-user’ means a subscriber and persons who use the services of a
licensed service, or use a service pursuant to a licence exemption,
referred to in Chapter 3;’’;