Referring to the schedule provided by an applicant, the Fiber optic network provider shall
provide an accomplishment report to the Regulatory Authority within 5working days and an
as-built documentation containing the following information not later than 30 working days
from the accomplishment of the installation works:
Position of the installed pipes;
locations of installed cables;
Soil conditions;
Network loss link budget.
IV.3: Active Permits
1. Permit holder is required to maintain accurate records of each and every permit status
and deliver any record at any time to the Regulatory Authority when it is demanded.
All work being performed on District right-of-way must be with an active permit.
2. The right of way permit validity before works commencement is limited to 3months
from the date of permit delivery by the Regulatory Authority.
3. The permits that are expired are not legally valid.
4. If the permit holder desires a re-instatement of the permit, it is his/her responsibility to
request the same in writing to the Regulatory Authority.
5. The installation project should be considered as completed after validation of
inspection report.
6. In case of unsuccessful installation works, all non-accomplished tasks indicated by site
visit team must be handled within 10 working days from the date of issuing inspection
report. If the applicant does not complete non-accomplished tasks in the requested
time, a warning letter is issued to him/her by the Regulatory Authority.
7. Failure to complete non-accomplished items in 5 working days after the reception of
warning letter shall be subject to placing a hold on processing new permit applications.