WIPO Database of Intellectual Property
Legislative Texts


(2) Any document in a language other than the English or Afrikaans languages shall be accompanied
by an exact translation thereof, certified to the satisfaction of the Registrar.

(Section 6)
(1) On or after the receipt of any application for the registration of copyright in a cinematograph
film, the Registrar shall return to the applicant the duplicate copy of Form RF 1 as proof of lodging. Such
duplicate copy shall contain the official number and date of the application.
(2) If, after consideration of the application, the Registrar considers that there is no objection to the
copyright in a cinematograph film being registered he may accept it absolutely or subject to conditions,
modifications, limitations or amendments which he shall communicate to the applicant or his agent.
(3) If consideration of the application gives rise to objections, a statement of those objections shall
be sent to the applicant or his agent, in writing, and unless within three months of the date of the statement, the
applicant submits arguments in writing or applies for a hearing, he shall be deemed to have withdrawn his
(4) If the Registrar accepts an application subject to any conditions, modifications, limitations or
amendments and the applicant objects to such conditions, modifications, limitations or amendments, he shall
within three months of the date of the communication notifying such acceptance submit arguments in writing
or apply for a hearing. If he does not do so he shall be deemed to have withdrawn his application. If the
applicant does not object to such conditions, modifications, limitations or amendments, he shall within three
months notify the Registrar, in writing, of such acceptance and if he fails to do so he shall be deemed to have
withdrawn his application.

(Section 7)
(1) If the Registrar is satisfied that the application complies with the requirements of the Act and
these regulations and the Copyright Act, 1978, for the registration of copyright in a cinematograph film, he
may accept the application and give written notice thereof, which notice shall be accompanied by Form RF 3.
(2) Every such application shall be advertised once in the Patent Journal by the applicant but in the
case of an application which has been advertised before acceptance the Registrar may require it to be
advertised again when it has been accepted, if he thinks fit.
(3) If a specimen of the cinematograph film has been lodged, or the Registrar has requested a
preview of the cinematograph film, the applicant shall state such fact in the advertisement or indicate where
and under what conditions, subject to the approval of the Registrar the cinematograph films may be viewed.
(4) Where an application has been advertised before acceptance as contemplated in the proviso to
section 7(1) of the Act and the Registrar requires it to be advertised again after acceptance, he shall advise
the applicant accordingly and the applicant shall apply to the Registrar on Form RF 4 to be furnished with the
form and wording of an advertisement.
(5) In respect of any advertisement inviting opposition, or otherwise, the provisions of
subregulation (1) shall mutatis mutandis apply.
(6) The application and such documents as were lodged in support of the application may, after
advertisement and on payment of the prescribed fee and subject to the provisions of the Act, be inspected at
all convenient times during office hours by the public.


Cinematographic Films, Regulations, 24/10/1980, No. R.2140

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