WIPO Database of Intellectual Property
Legislative Texts



Dates on and place or places at which the cinematograph film was made.
Whether the cinematograph film has lawfully been made available to the public and if so the date
on which it was first so lawfully made available to the public.
Whether the cinematograph film has been published and if so the place and date of first
(g) A brief description of the story or subject matter of the cinematograph film.
(h) The names of the director and producer of the cinematograph film.
The names of the principal players (if any) or of the narrator, if appropriate, in the cinematograph
Any marks, including trade marks, used in relation to or on the cinematograph film, or any
features of the cinematograph film, which serve to distinguish the cinematograph film from other
cinematograph films.
(3) The application shall be dated and signed by the applicant(s) or duly authorised agent.
(4) If the application is made by a firm or partnership it may be signed in the name or for and on
behalf of the firm or partnership by any one or more members thereof, but the full names of all the partners
shall be furnished in the declaration.
(5) If the application is made by a body corporate, it may be signed by a director or by the secretary
or other principal officer of such body corporate duly authorised by the Board of Directors thereof.
(6) The Registrar may also, in his discretion, call for a deposit in the Office of a specimen or copy
of the cinematograph film and he may refer to such deposit in the register if he deems fit.

10. The abstract on Form RF 3 shall be summarised from the information contained in the statement of
case as required by regulation 9(1) and (2) and the storyline shall be in narrative form and shall be not more
than 150 words.

(Section 15)
(1) In addition to the particulars detailed in section 15(1) of the Act, which must appear in the
register, the Registrar shall cause to be entered in the register the particulars called for in Form RF 2.
(2) The Registrar shall maintain an alphabetical index of the names of all applicants for registration
of copyright in cinematograph films and registered owners thereof and may also maintain an alphabetical
index of the names of all assignees of copyright in cinematograph films and registered licensees thereof.
(3) The Registrar shall maintain an alphabetical index of the titles of all cinematograph films which
are the subjects of applications or registrations.
(4) The register may, on payment of the prescribed fees and subject to the provisions of the Act, be
inspected at all convenient times during office hours by the public.

(1) Where an application contains a word or words not written in the Latin alphabet, there shall be
endorsed on Form RF 1 a sufficient transliteration and translation to the satisfaction of the Registrar of each
such word or words and every such endorsement shall be signed by the applicant or his agent.


Cinematographic Films, Regulations, 24/10/1980, No. R.2140

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Select target paragraph3