source for the creative and broadcast industry
and spur digital innovations around public data
held by county and national governments.
Animation Labs: The government will
support incubation labs focused on computer
generated animation and film production.
National Values: The government will
create and enforce policies and legislation that
protects children from inappropriate content
and upholds national values.
The development of game software can be an
important source of employment and revenue
for Kenyans, in order to promote the industry,
the government with the participation of the
private sector will develop:
Certification Programs: Work with
industry to develop training and certification
programs to create a cadre of persons skilled in
game programming.
Incentives: Introduce appropriate fiscal
incentives to promote this sector of the
Safety: Sensitise the public on security
concerns around personal information and the
adverse social impact of internet and gaming
Challenge Fund: Develop a mechanism to
address the negative cultural and behavioural
challenges due to gaming. fight challenges.
Information Management
Knowledge has long been an important factor
in economic growth, and this policy seeks to
maximise the value of data and information
held by government for the common good.
Government has a keen appreciation of the role
of knowledge and technology in driving
productivity and economic growth knowledge
distribution, then, is essential to our economic
In light of this, this policy mandates access
Government Data: All government data,
except as exempt by section 6 of the Access to
Information Act, 2016, will be made available to
all Kenyans online. The general policy is “Open
by default”.
Research Findings and Papers: Research
findings from all government ministries,
agencies, institutions and institutes will besides
being made available on their websites, also be
made promptly available on a single common
website determined by the Cabinet Secretary of
the Ministry of ICT. All government research

Ministry of ICT, Kenya

and papers will be in the public domain, except
for those, which the cabinet secretary has
specifically, on written request, classified for
restricted circulation for a determined and
stated time.
Government Websites: All government
websites and portals will conform to best
practices in terms of accessibility for persons
with disabilities, colours, layout and editorial
style. Government websites will be updated
daily, at a minimum.
Government Search Engine: All public
government content will be indexed and
searchable through a public common interface.
All government sites and data to be crawled
daily, at a minimum.
.ke Domain: National and county
government websites will exclusively use the
Communications Authority (CA), Kenya
Network Information Centre (KENIC) and other
stakeholders will take measures to proactively
promote the .ke domain. The CA shall also
proactively protect Kenyan names that have
historical, cultural or intellectual value on the
Social Media: The Government will seek to
promote the right of the use of social media as
an extension of the protection of freedom of
expression guaranteed under Article 33 and 34
of the Constitution.
However, the right to use social media does
not extend to propaganda or war-like purposes;
incitement to violence; hate speech or advocacy
of hatred that constitutes ethnic incitement,
vilification of others or incitement to cause
harm; or is based on any ground of
discrimination or that promulgates falsehoods.
In the exercise of the right to freedom of
expression, every person shall respect the
rights and reputation of others.
Broadcasting: The overall policy objective
for the broadcasting sector is to create, within
the framework of the Constitution, an
environment that enables broadcasting
services to be provided in the public interest
and to contribute to the socioeconomic and
cultural development of Kenya. This policy
continues the emphasis on promoting the
development of local content and establishing a
market structure that attracts and protects
national and international investment in
broadcasting content and services.
With the emergence of online media The
Government will: The Government will:1. Ensure the development of broadcasting
services that reflect a sense of Kenyan



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