
advising the Federal Military Government generally on the
implementation of the National Mass Communication Policy with
particular reference to broadcasting;


receiving, processing and considering applications for the ownership
of radio and television stations
including cable television services direct sate life broad cast and any other
medium of broadcasting;


recommending applications through the Minister to the President,
Commander in Chief of the Armed
forces for the grant of radio and television licences ;


regulating and controlling the broadcast industry;


undertaking research and development in the broadcast industry;


receiving, considering and investigating complaints from individuals
and bodies corporate or incorporate regarding the contents of a
broadcast and the conduct of a broadcasting station;


upholding the principles of equity and fairness in broadcasting;


establishing and disseminating a national broadcasting code and
setting standards with regard to the contents and quality of materials
for broadcast;


promoting Nigerian indigenous cultures, moral and community life
through broadcasting;


promoting authenticated radio and television audience measurements
and penetration;


initiating and harmonizing Government policies on trans-border direct
transmission and reception in


regulating ethical standards and technical excellence in public, private
and commercial broadcast stations i Nigeria;

Select target paragraph3