Controversial issues of public importance
In presenting a programme in which controversial issues of public importance are
discussed, a broadcasting licensee shall make reasonable efforts to fairly present
significant points of view either in the same programme or in a subsequent
prograrnme forming part of the same series of programmes presented within a
reasonable period of time and in substantially the same time slot.
A person whose views have been criticized in a broadcasting programme on a
controversial issue of public importance shall be given a reasonable opportunity b y
the broadcasting licensee to reply to such criticism, should that person so request.
During any period starting, in respect of National Assembly Elections, on the day of
election and ending on the day poll is to be taken, all licensees shall comply with such
guidelines as shall be issued by the Authority.
In so far as both news and comment are concerned, broadcasting licensees shall exercise
exceptional care and consideration in matters involving the private lives and private
concerns of individuals, bearing in mind that the right to privacy may be overridden by a
legitimate public interest.
Paying a criminal for information
No payment shall be made to persons involved in crime or other notorious behaviour, or to
persons who have been engaged in crime or other notorious behaviour, in order to obtain
information concerning any such behaviour, unless compelling societal interests indicate
the contrary.
-------------------------THIRD SCHEDULE
(section 31)OATH
I................... …………………………………………………..being appointed Chairperson/Member/
Director/employee of the StandardsCommittee/Authority, do hereby swear/solemnly affirmed that I
will, to the best of my judgment, act for the furtherance of the objects of the Committee/Authority,
or where it is strictly necessary for the performance of my duties, any confidential information
obtained by me by virtue of my official capacity.
Taken before me
Master and Registrar of the Supreme Court