

the amount of any charge or fee leviable by the licensee from any person
who avails himself of the broadcasting service provided by the licensee.

Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Act, where the Authority is of the
opinion that, by granting an application, the attainment of the objective of promoting
a diverse range of radio and television broadcasting services and the plural nature
of Mauritian culture may be impeded, the Authority may refuse an application.


A licensee shall comply with the terms and conditions of a licence.


A licensee shall carry out its activities in compliance with the code of conduct
specified in the Second Schedule.

Duration of licence



a requirement that the licensee shall afford, in such manner as may be
prescribed, a right of reply to a person whose character, goodwill or
reputation has been adversely affected by a broadcast;





Subject to sections 24 and 25, a licence for(a)

radio broadcasting shall be valid for a period of 3 years;


television broadcasting shall be valid for a period of 5years.

A licensee who wishes to renew his licence shall, not later than 3 months before the
expiry of the licence, give written notice of his intention to the Authority.

Transfer and surrender of licence

No licensee shall, except with the written consent of the Authority, assign or transfer
his licence.


A licensee may surrender his licence at any time before its expiry.


A licensee who wishes to surrender his licence shall give written notice of his
intention to the Authority.


No person shall assign, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of, any interest or share
in a licensed company unless he has given one month's prior notice to the Authority
of his intention to do so.

Variation and revocation of licence

A licensee may make a written application to the Authority to vary the terms and
conditions of his licence and the Authority may accede to the request subject to
such conditions as it thinks fit.


Subject to subsections (5) and (7), the Authority may revoke a licence where it is
satisfied that -

Select target paragraph3