in connection with a scheme by any authority designated in terms of
paragraph (a) of this subsection; and
[Para. (p) substituted by s. 15 (a) of Act 39 of 1983.]

provide generally for any other matter which, in the opinion of the Minister,
is necessary or expedient in order to further or better achieve the objects of a
scheme, the generality of the powers conferred by this paragraph not being
limited by the preceding paragraphs.

(2) (a) The authority designated under subsection (1) (a) may authorize any person
to exercise, perform or carry out any power, function or duty of that authority.
(aA) When any authority designated in terms of paragraph (a) so authorizes any
person at his request, it may determine that(i)

the power, function or duty concerned be exercised, performed or carried
out at the cost of the person concerned;


the person concerned shall have no right of recourse against that authority
or the State for costs so incurred; and


the person concerned shall exercise, perform or carry out the power,
function or duty concerned subject to the directions of that authority.
[Para. (aA) inserted by s. 8 (i) of Act 17 of 1991.]

(aB) A juristic person established under any law and so authorized, shall be deemed,
notwithstanding the absence of any express provision to such effect in the law under which
it was established, to be competent to exercise, perform or carry out the power, function or
duty concerned.
[Para. (aB) inserted by s. 8 (i) of Act 17 of 1991.]
(aC) The said juristic person may authorize any person in its service in writing to
exercise, perform or carry out the power, function or duty concerned.
[Para. (aC) inserted by s. 8 (i) of Act 17 of 1991.]
(b) A decision made or order given by any person authorized under paragraph (a),
may be withdrawn by such authority, and any such decision or order shall, until it is so
withdrawn or amended, be deemed, except for the purpose of this paragraph, to have been
given by such authority.
[Sub-s. (2) added by s. 15 (b) of Act 39 of 1983.]

Select target paragraph3