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Pharmacy and Drugs Act 	

2001 ~. .


"patent medicines seller~' means a person licensed to
sell Class C drugs only;

p harmacist'"' means a person holding a current
certificate of registration issued under this Act, not
being a suspended certificate~

"pharmacy" means any premises employed tL'lder this
Act for the carrying on of pharmacy business~

"'phannacy business?' includes a business which involves
the sale of Class A~ B and C drugs~
·'prescribed" means prescribed by regulations made
under this Act;
"process of manufacture" means a process involving
extraction, isolation, synthesizing, formulation or
compounding a medical product or drug intended for
human consumption Of animal consumption;
"proprietary drug" means a drug distributed for sale by
retail under a brand name or other proprietary
description and in a form ready for use;
"Registrar" means the pers\)n appointed Registrar under
Section 6;
"speciality" means­

(a) 	 a simple drug which is not in the authorized
(b) 	 a compound drug which contains any drug
which is not in the authorized phannacopoeia;
(c) 	 a compound drug which contains no drug which
is not in the authorized phannacopoeia but which
is compounded on a formula which is not in the
authorized phannacopoeia and was not, to the
knowledge ofthe person wishing to manufacture,
import or register the compound drug, in use in
Sierra Leone immediately before the
commencement of this Act.
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Select target paragraph3