Pharmacy and Drugs Act
(4) The Registrar shaH keep a register of all premises to
which certificates have been issued under this section.
(5) The Registrar shall publish annually in the Gazette, a
list of all pharmacies and drug stores.
Need for
23. (1) A pharmacist or pharmacy technician, as the case may
be, ~ a body corporate shall not supply a Class A Part 1 or Class B drug,
otherwise than under a prescription reasonably believed by the person
suppiying the drugs to be valid
(a) if the drug is supplied under a signed order to
a medical practitioner, dentist, veterinary
surgeon, phrumaci st or licensed body coqxJfate
for the purpose of being subsequentl y dispensed
or supplied~ or
(b) if the drug is supplied from the dispensing
department of a medical institution approved
for the purposes of this section by the Board
and is for general use in the wards~ operating
theatre or other sections of the institution; or
(c) if the drug is supplied, in accordance with
directions given by a medical practitioner, to
an out-patient attending a medical center.
A prescription is valid if
(a) it is in indelible writing. is dated and is signed
with his usual signature by a medical
practitioner, dentist or veterinary surgeon; and
(b) it slates the na.~e, qualification an.d address of
the person signing it: and
(c) it states the name and address of the person for
whose treatment it is given Of, if signed by a
veterinary surgeon, the person to Whom the
drug is prescribed is te, be delivered: and