No. 53	 Seeds and Plant Varieties (Amendment)	


(2) The owner or the person in charge
of any place or premises referred ,to in
subsection (1) shall give an inspector all
reasonable assistance required to enable the
inspector carry out his duties and shall
furnish him with any information he may
reasonably require for the purpose of
enforcing this Act.
(3) Any person who refuses entry to an
inspector acting under this section or
obstructs him from entering or inspecting, or
who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
produce any seed material for examination
or any document required under this section
shall be guilty of an offence.
Seizure and disposal of
seeds and seed
processing facilities.

3D. (1) Whenever an inspector
reasonably believes that the provisions of
this Act have been breached, the inspector
may seize and detain any seeds in respect of
which, the breach has been committed.
(2) Any seeds seized under subsection
(1) shall not be detained (a) for a period exceeding fourteen
days, in cases where, after
investigation, the inspector finds
that no provision has been
breached; or
(b) for a period exceeding six months,
unless upon the inspector finding
that a provision of the Act.has been
breached, proceedings have been
instituted in court within that
period, in which case the seeds may
be detained until the proceedings
are concluded.

Select target paragraph3