No. 53	 Seeds and Plant Varieties (Amendment)	


(b) harvested material, including entire
plants and parts of plants, and
(c) any product made directly from the
harvested material.
19. Section 22 of the principal Act is amended—

Amendment of
section 21 of Cap.

(a) in subsection (1) by deleting all the words
appearing immediately after the word "varieties",
(b) in Subsection (2) by deleting the words
"authorized officer" and substituting therefor the
word "Service".
Amendment of
section 23 of Cap.

Repeal of Section 27
of Cap. 326.

Insertion of new
section in Cap 326.

20. Section 23 of the principal Act is amended by
deleting sub section (4).
21. The principal Act is amended by deleting section
22. The principal Act is amended by inserting the
following new section immediately after section 27—
Establishment of
National Plant Genetic
Resources Centre.

27A. (1) There is established a
National Plant Genetic Resources Centre
which shall be responsible for the
conservation and sustainable utilization of
plant biodiversity in Kenya.
(2) The functions of the National Plant
Genetic Resources Centre shall be to—
(a) protect the ownership of indigenous
seeds and plant varieties, their
genetic and diverse characteristics,
associated indigenous knowledge
and its use by thes,communities of

Select target paragraph3