No. 53	 Seeds and Plant Varieties (Amendment)
(c) by deleting sub section (4).
Amendment of
section 19 of

16. Section 19 of the principal Act is amended—
(a) by deleting subsection (1) and substituting therefor
the following—
(1) Breeders' rights shall be granted for a fixed
period of twenty years from the date of the grant,
except in respect of trees and vines where the said
period shall be twenty-five years from the date of
the grant.
(b) by deleting subsections (2), (3), (4), (5) and (8);

Amendment of
section 20 of Cap.

17. Section 20 of the Principal Act is amended—
(a) in subsection (1) by—
(i) deleting the word "authorize" appearing in the
introductory portion and substituting therefor
the word "permit";
(ii) deleting paragraph (a) and inserting the
following new paragraphs—
(a) production or reproduction;
(b) conditioning for the purpose of
Propagation; t
(c) offering for sale;
(d) selling or other marketing;
(e) exporting;
(1) importing, or
(g) stocking for any of the purpose set out in
the foregoing paragraphs.

Select target paragraph3