2012	 Seeds and Plant Varieties (Amendment)	 No. 53
(c) in subsection (9) by deleting the words "three
years" and substituting therefor the words "three
(d) in subsection (10) by deleting the word "index"
and substituting therefor the words "national
variety list".
(e) in subsection (11) by inserting the following new
paragraph immediately after paragraph (0—
(g) for the conduct and management of
performance trials and reports.
9. Section 10 of the principal Act is amended—
(b) in subsection (1) by deleting the word "index" and
substituting therefor the words "national varieties
(c) by inserting the following new subsection
immediately after subsection (3)—
"(4) Any person who—
(a) with intent to defraud, gives false
information to a seed inspector a seed analyst
or a plant examiner,
(b) obstructs, hinders, interferes with or fails to
comply with any lawful order given by any
seed inspector in execution of his powers or
duties under this Act;
(c) makes or causes to be made any false
statement, false advertisement, and or
produces or displays any certificates required
to be produced or displayed, under this Act
which are false in any material particular; .
(d) while not registered as a seed merchant,
imports, processes seed and packages seed for
sale purposes

Amendment of
section 10 of Cap.

Select target paragraph3