LAW No. 2013-450 dated June 19, 2013 on the protection of personal data. THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY has
adopted, the President of the Republic promulgates the law which content as follows:
First Article.- Definitions of legal instruments of ECOWAS, the African Union or the International
Telecommunication Union prevail for terms not defined in this Act.
For the purposes of this Act the following terms mean:
-Cryptology activity , any activity aimed at the production, use , import, export or sale of cryptology ;
Approval , formal recognition by an authorized organization that the evaluated product or system can
protect up to a specified level ;
Secured Electronic Archiving, all terms of conservation and management of electronic records to
guarantee their legal value for the duration necessary;
- Violation of human dignity, infringement , except in cases of attempt on the life , physical integrity
or freedom , which has important effect to treat the person as a thing, as an animal or as a being
which would be denied any right;
Protection Authority , the independent administrative body to ensure that the processing of personal
data are implemented in accordance with the provisions of this Law;
Encryption , any technique which transforms digital data into an unreadable format using cryptology ;
Code of conduct, terms of use developed by the controller in order to achieve proper use of IT
resources, the Internet and electronic communications structure concerned and approved by the
Authority for protection;
Electronic commerce , economic activity in which a person offers or provides , distance and by
electronic means , the supply of goods and provision of services; meaning also in the field of
electronic commerce, the activities of provision of services such as consisting in providing online
information , commercial communications , research tools , access and retrieval of data, access to a
communication network or hosting of information, even if they are not remunerated by those who
receive them ;
Electronic communication, any emission, transmission or reception of signs , written materials,
images, sounds or videos by electromagnetic , optical or other means ;