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• Structure of legislative chamber(s)
Article 59
The Parliament shall comprise one single house called the National Assembly.
Article 60
The members of the National Assembly carry the title of Deputy.
• First chamber selection
• Term length for first chamber
Article 61
The Deputies shall be elected for five years by universal suffrage. An organic law
shall determine the conditions of this election.
• Immunity of legislators
Article 62
The Deputies shall benefit from parliamentary immunity.
No member of the National Assembly may be prosecuted, sought, arrested, detained,
or tried because of his opinions or votes expressed by him in the exercise of his
No member of the National Assembly may, during its sessions, be prosecuted or
arrested for criminal or minor offenses without the authorization of the National
Assembly, except in the case of flagrant offense.
• Standing committees
No member of the National Assembly may, out of session, be arrested without the
authorization of the Office of the National Assembly, except in the case of flagrant
offense, of authorized prosecutions or of definitive conviction.
The detention or the prosecution of a member of the National Assembly shall be
suspended if the National Assembly so requires.
• Compensation of legislators
• Replacement of legislators
• Minimum age for first chamber
• Eligibility for first chamber
• Outside professions of legislators
Article 63
An organic law shall determine the number of members of the National Assembly,
their indemnification, the conditions of eligibility, the areas of ineligibility and of
The organic law shall also determine the conditions in which people called to assure
the replacement of Deputies shall be elected, in case of vacancy of a seat, until the
renewal of the National Assembly.
Article 64
All binding instructions (upon members of Parliament) shall be null and void.
The right to vote of members of the National Assembly shall be personal.
The organic law may authorize, under exceptional circumstances, the delegation of a
vote. In this case, no member may be delegated more than one vote.
• Length of legislative sessions
Article 65
The National Assembly shall convene by right in two ordinary sessions per year.
Mali 1992
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