Republic of Namibia
Annotated Statutes
Namibian Broadcasting Act 9 of 1991
service, the shares of which may also be held by persons other than the Corporation
or any body of persons, incorporated or unincorporated to such an extent that such
body or persons do not manage or control such company;
to manufacture or produce films, gramophone or other mechanical recordings,
materials and equipment for use in connection with a broadcasting service;
to provide any person with or receive from such person, programmes, information,
news or other material for purposes of a broadcasting service.
[The full stop at the end of this paragraph should be a semicolon.]
to exercise any other power which is incidental to, or is in its opinion necessary for
and conducive to, the achievement of its objectives.
(2) The approval referred to in paragraph (o) of subsection (1) may be given subject to
such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Minister, and may include terms and
conditions relating to (a)
the content of programmes to be broadcasted in a broadcasting service;
the duty of the company to correct information erroneously broadcasted in a
broadcasting service;
the protection of the privacy of the individual in a broadcasting service;
the duty of the company to broadcast information in a broadcasting service to the
public if so requested by a public authority established by or under any law;
any steps which may be taken by the Minister against the company referred to in
that paragraph, in the event such company contravenes or fails to comply with any
of such terms and conditions.
(3) The provisions of this section shall not be construed as conferring upon any person
any rights or powers which the Corporation has in terms of this Act or any other law.
Board of Corporation
The affairs of the Corporation shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be
managed and controlled by a board to be known as the Board of the Namibian Broadcasting
Constitution of Board
(1) The Board shall be constituted, and its members, including the chairperson
and the vice-chairperson of the board, shall be appointed in accordance with, and for a period as
determined under, section 14 and 15 of the Public Enterprises Governance Act, 2006.
[Subsection (1) is amended by Act 18 of 2000 and substituted by Act 2 of 2006, as amended by
Act 8 of 2015. The Public Enterprises Governance Act referred to is Act 2 of 2006.]
(2) An appointment of a member shall be made in such a manner that the board shall
consist of persons having knowledge of, or experience in the administration or management of
public affairs and the political, socio- economic and communication field, but shall not be a
person -