Act 2

Computer Misuse Act


(2) A person who intentionally and without authority to do so,
interferes with data in a manner that causes the program or data to be
modified, damaged, destroyed or rendered ineffective, commits an offence.

(3) A person who unlawfully produces, sells, offers to sell,
procures for use, designs, adapts for use, distributes or possesses any
device, including a computer program or a component which is
designed primarily to overcome security measures for the protection
of data or performs any of those acts with regard to a password,
access code or any other similar kind of data, commits an offence.
(4) A person who utilises any device or computer program
specified in subsection (3) in order to unlawfully overcome security
measures designed to protect the program or data or access to that
program or data, commits an offence.

(5) A person who accesses any information system so as to
constitute a denial including a partial denial of service to legitimate
users commits an offence.
(6) The intent of a person to commit an offence under this
section need not be directed at—
(a) any particular program or data;

(b) a program or data of any particular kind; or

(c) a program or data held in any particular computer.

(7) A person who commits an offence under this section is liable
on conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred and forty currency
points or imprisonment not exceeding ten years or both.
13. Access with intent to commit or facilitate the commission of
a further offence.
(1) A person who commits any acts specified under section 12
with intent to—
(a) commit any other offence; or
(b) facilitate the commission of any other offence,
commits an offence.


Select target paragraph3