(b) tor all intangible components of genetIc resources to De
(9) In relation to access to genetic resources held inside
Uganda, the Authority, competent authority and lead agency shall
have access to the genetic resources at any time.
(10) In relation to access to genetic resources to be taken or
held outside Uganda, the applicant shall allow reasonable access to
the genetic resources.
(11) For purposes of reporting, the applicant shall inform
the competent authority and lead agency(a) of all discoveries from research involving the biological
(14) Fees
State the fees payable upon the execution of the agreement detailing
where such fees are payable, e.g. to the competent authority, the lead
agency, local community, private owner etc as prescribed by law.
(15) Royalties
This applies only to commercial materials transfer agreements,
where applicable. State the nainre and amount of royalties agreed
upon and payment modalities, including provisions for up front
payment where applicable.
(16) Conservation measures
(a) It is the duty of the applicant to provide a fina1
and genetic resources, their derivatives, and their
intangible components;
environmental status report of the biological and
genetic resource at the expiry of the collection
period permitted under the agreement.
(b) at periodic intervals, of the status of research involving
the biological or genetic resources, their derivative
products, and their intangible components.
( b) Any other measures agreed between the competent
authority, lead agency and the applicant, including
ecological rehabilitation ,bonds.
(12) TreatInent of confidential information
The applicant shall provide periodic reports to the competent
authority and lead agency iVl the environmental and socio-economic
impacts of any ongoing collection of genetic resources, their
derivative products, and their intangible components.
(13) Technology transfer
State how Uganda will benefit from the collection and use of the
genetic resources through the transfer of technology and knowledge.
(a) Provisions for participation of Ugandan citizens or
Ugandan institutions in the collection of the genetic
resources and in' the research and application to
which such material may be put.
(b) Any other forms of technology in both software and
hardware to be transferred to Uganda.
(17) Duration of materials transfer agreement
State the period for which the materials transfer agreement will be valid.
(18) Dispute $ettlement
Modes of settling disputes arising from the interpretation and
implementation of the agreement, including an arbitration clause.
(19) Law applicable
Agreement to be governed by the Laws of Uganda.
(20) Amendments
(a) Agreements can only be modified by mutual agreement
between the parties, except where such modification
would affect the rights of holders of accessory agreements.
(b) Mutual agreement of the accessory agreement holders
to be sought where the proposed modifications affect
the rights of such persons/parties derived from the
accessory agreements.
(21) Authorised signatories
All Agreements must state authorised signatories of the applicant(s),
competent authority and the relevant lead agencies.