-.Regulation J5( J )
A materials transfer agreement is concluded between the lead
agency and the collector and shall include clauses containing the
following details, where relevant(I) A statement of approval of access application or access
(2) Particulars of the applicant including(a) identity and curriculum vitae of the person in charge of
the access programme and other persons working on
the access activities; and
( b) profiles of all other institutions or individuals
connected to the access programme.
(3) Particulars of the genetic resources to be collected,
(b) requirements for a new agreement if the applicant
wishes to use the material for new and additional
(c) restrictions on transfer to third party without the
consent of the competent authority, lead agency and
the holders of accessory agreements;
(d) identification of where the research will take place;
(e) accutate inforn:lation regarding the intended use.
(5) Financial resoutces available or expected to.be
available and the budget
(6) The expected results of a research programme, both
scientific and financial, including information on how the research
will be carried out(a) identification of local bo<Iies for collaboration in
research and development;
( b) treatment of confidential information.
(7) Identification of benefit sharing arrangements by(a) type and quantity of genetic resources to be collected,
as well as the specific taxa to be collected;
(b) a list of broader species categories;
(a) stating the kinds/types of benefits that could come from
obtaining access to the resource;
(b) stating the local beneficiaries and institutions and how
they will benefit e.g. financial, material or
information technology transfer; and the benefits
should provide the number of people expected to
benefit, their names and location;
( c) duration of collection of the genetic resources;
• (d) location and site of storage or utilisation;
(e) location and site of collection;
(4) Purposes for which the collected material can be used,
incIuding(a) accurate information regarding intended use (e .g.
taxonomy, research, commercialisation);
( c)
stating the local bodies and institutions for
collaboration and how they will collaborate with the
(8) A depository shall be designated(a) for representative samples or specimens of the genetic
resources to be collected; and