The Laws of Zambia
9. (1) The Board may, for the purpose of performing the Corporation's functions
under this Act, establish committees and may delegate to any such committee such of its
functions as it thinks fit.
Committees of Board
(2) The Board may appoint as members of a committee established under
subsection (1) persons who are or are not members of the Board and such persons shall
serve for such period as the Board may determine.
(3) Subject to any specific or general directions of the Board any committee
established under subsection (1) may regulate its own procedure.
10. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Board may regulate its own
(2) The Board shall hold its first meeting on such date and at such place and time as
the Minister may determine; and thereafter the Board shall meet for the transaction of
business at such places and at such times as the Board may determine.
(3) The Chairman of the Board may at any time and shall, at the request of three
directors, convene a special meeting of the Board.
(4) A notice convening a special meeting of the Board shall state the purposes for
which the meeting is to be convened.
(5) Where the Chairman of the Board is prevented by illness, absence from Zambia
or other cause from exercising his functions on the Board, the Vice-Chairman shall
exercise the powers and fulfil the duties and functions of the Chairman.
(6) Where the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are absent from any meeting of the
Board there shall preside at that meeting such director as the directors present may elect
for the purpose of that meeting.
(7) The quorum at a meeting of the Board shall be one-half of the total number of
(8) All acts, matters or things authorised or required to be done by the Board may
be decided by resolution of a meeting at which a quorum is present.
Copyright Ministry of Legal Affairs, Government of the Republic of Zambia
Proceedings of Board