economic development. Far from being obsolete, the postal system is in many countries a
growing, vibrant profitable and innovative industry. The Government of South Sudan therefore,
recognises the basic right of all its citizens to access adequate postal services. The postal
service is the most basic and most common means by which messages can be communicated
and goods delivered. Postal service is a basic link serving the entire population; it also serves
as an important medium of communications for business and commerce.
The ultimate goal is to stimulate growth in the postal sector through the development of
technology in the postal services, primarily for mail processing, hybrid electronic mail services,
the facilitation of mail movements and the provision of financial services through post offices so
as to attain standards comparable to other countries in the region.
The Government recognizes the crucial role of telecommunication in supporting social and
economic development. It is thus the Government’s policy to ensure equitable and easy access
to telecommunication services by the citizens of South Sudan in order to realize this goal.
The Government also recognises that a purely commercial approach in the provision of
telecommunication services could marginalize the majority of the citizens, especially those living
in rural and remote areas; and has therefore made universal access, supported by appropriate
interventions, a key objective.
The Government recognizes the convergence of Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) and therefore will put in place appropriate mechanisms to ensure maximum synergy and
harmonized policies, laws, and regulations within the ICT sector.
The overall access to the basic telecommunication services by the majority of the South
Sudanese as well as modern and state-of-the art services by the commercial enterprises and
international organizations are key strategic priorities that the Government shall aim to achieve.
The global economies today are based on the development of an information society;
developments in Information Technology (IT) are the foundation of this trend. IT is an essential
component in opportunity and job creation, increased productivity and human resource
Information Technology is characterized by rapid changes and, in recognition of the growing
technological gap between developed and developing economies commonly referred to as the
digital divide, it is the Government’s objective to initiate steps to reduce this divide through the